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World-class universities are not only defined by there facilities and funding, they're known for fostering communities whom foster social engagement. For many student's, it's a home away from home. If elected, Forward will:

1) Re-evaluate the ANUSA budget and halt further funding cuts to clubs and societies

2) Re-establish the off-campus collective by examining the right channels and procedures consistent with ANUSA's power to establish committees.

3) Oppose any Fee hikes and cuts proposed by the Federal Government. Forward will fight against the 113% fee hike to Arts & the 28% hike to law and Commerce Students.

4) Host monthly "town hall" meetings under a "open house system" were all undergraduate students can directly speak to ANUSA execuitves and representatives on equal footing. These town halls will allow representatives to discuss upcoming amendments with the public and receive immediate feedback from attendees. It's purpose is to speed-up student consultation and increase interaction between students and representatives

5) Establish inter-university relations with other Go8 student unions and associations and establish a national council of student leaders. As Australia's national university, we believe its time to assert ourselves as the nation's leader in student activism. We believe this organisation alongside the National Union of Students (NUS) will amplify our voice on the national stage.

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